Dice and Random NEXT

Dice and Random NEXT is a program allowing the rolling of virtual dice and generation of random numbers. The creator claims no responsibility for any loss of data or functionality or any other adverse effect caused by the use of this program. Use of this program is solely at the user's own risk.

Dice and Random NEXT is Copyright © 2024 to Joseph Bauer.


Up to 100 random rolls can be generated of each die type. Simply choose the number of rolls, any adjustment of the coin toss, and/or upper and lower bounds of the random number. You may also choose success parameters for the rolls, including over/under (non-)inclusive, match, and non-match.

If you want to roll special dice, the random number area will recognize any range starting with 1 as a special die, with several special exceptions, including a 1-10 d10 among others, and some more quirky ones on the 0-based range. Basically any die I know the silhouette of is in there. Experiment!

If you choose a random range that would only be a single number, it activates Magic 8-Ball mode. This will list its own successes, but will not count them towards the overall success count. This is intentional, but is something that could be added in future versions if there's demand for it.


Q: HELP! My percentile summed total successes aren't being counted in the grand totals!
A: As noted by the text in the subtotal section, this is intentional, as the program already does quite a lot to treat them specially. If you want to include a percentile sum total in the grand total, you can use the random number area to define a d100 by setting the range to either 0-99 or 1-100. There's special handling for that!

Q: I have a bug! Help! How do I report this?
A: First off, make sure you have the latest version. You can find it at www.bluestarcreations.net in the Tools tab. Once you're sure you have the latest version, for bug reports and feedback, send emails to joseph[tiny circle]bauer["a"-swirl]programmer[pixel]net with a subject containing "Tool" and I will get back to you eventually.

Q: Will I get notified of a new version when it's out?
A: YES! All app updates are posted on the Blue Star Creations blog, which is auto-posted to my primary Mastodon account, @bluestarultor@tech.lgbt, and boosted by my alt account (with very little else clogging it up), @bluestarultor@mastodon.social, or you can follow the hashtag #BlueStarCreationsUpdates or #DiceAndRandomNext. You can even follow it asan RSS feed at https://mastodon.social/tags/BlueStarCreationsUpdates.rss or https://mastodon.social/tags/DiceAndRandomNext.rss if you like!

Q: Can I redistribute this?
A: Yep! So long as you don't try to claim it as your own and don't charge money for it, you can give people copies of the full download or point them to my site. All the original files must be included.

Q: Can I support this project?
A: Yes! Or rather donating pays me for the work I've put in so far, but will not make development go faster. This is a free-time project. If you like it, you can pay me for it by clicking the button on the project's page to take you to PayPal.

Q: Do I need to register this?
A: Nope.

Known issues:

Version history:

v0.0.1.0 - Initial public release.

v1.0.0.0 - Bugfixes.

v1.0.1.0 - Added Magic 8-Ball.



